Share Your Story
Throughout the month of March, beginning March 6, we will feature a 'Share Your Story' series which will highlight some high's a
Let’s Keep It Spicy!
I want to give you some practical things that will protect your marriage, keep the fun in your marriage, but best of all keep the spice in y
Equal, But Different
When Bill and I married, he thought that I was the very best thing that had happened in his life. After twenty years, he no longer wanted to
Let's Connect!
Our first Let's Connect events for 2017 are just a few weeks away!
The Healthy Marriage Check-Up
No matter where your marriage is today, it can flourish and be an example to others with God’s help. I didn’t say perfection. It may be as s
Be Brave
...if you want an extraordinary marriage, you’ve got to step out of the ordinary and the comfortable, and operate in bravery to be open, hon
Let's Connect!
Our first Let's Connect events for 2017 are scheduled for Thursday night, March 2, 2017! SAVE THE DATE!
Marriage + Ministry
Marriage alone presents its own wonderfully complicated cycles of bliss and struggle. Factoring in the dynamic of ministry can, at times, pr
Joy for the Journey
To say that our marriage has been perfect would be far from the truth. To say that our marriage has been EVENTFUL would be more accurate.
Mirrors, Modesty, Ministry?
In an effort to be relevant, popular, and culturally connected, is there a chance we are sacrificing our integrity and call for holiness?