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Let's Grow | the blog

Lonely at the Top
It's lonely at the top. You may have heard that statement before--most likely before you found yourself "at the top" where you
Bridgette Tomlin
Oct 15, 20184 min read

Finding a New Song to Sing
My entire life I have been known as “the girl who sings”. Even though I have struggled with my weight my entire life, I had a strong confide
Denice Erway
Jun 25, 20185 min read

Holy Knitted-ness
I have come to believe, until we are comfortable with who God knit us to be, we will keep trying to conform to the models we see. It is like
Samalee Allen
Apr 30, 20183 min read

What's Your Secret?
If they could do it, so could you and so can I. I've heard it said before, "sin makes you stupid". And it only takes one "
Bridgette Tomlin
Apr 23, 20183 min read

Spring (Blog) Break
During Spring Break at Sanctuary, we are taking a blog break for the remainder of March to prepare for April's unveiling of our newest a
Mar 18, 20181 min read

Working 9-to-When?
It's Wednesday night. At 11pm. I am desperate for sleep after a day packed with endless questions, messes to clean up, meals to cook, er
Bridgette Tomlin
Jan 29, 20186 min read

Hope After Broken Dreams
What I have learned in 20 years of ministry is that He is there in obscurity. He’s there when I can’t see Him, or feel Him, and when I...
Casey Graves
Jan 8, 20182 min read

Snagging the Pass-Through
There is this turning point, though, when you are in the business of helping people, that often times you start taking in information only t
Sheila Harper
Dec 11, 20175 min read

When Obedience Hurts
What do you do when you are supposed to be on the same team and you both feel as if you have been wronged?
Jennifer Watson
Oct 16, 20174 min read
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