Discovering the Gift of Peace
It seems to be socially acceptable to worry about our kids or family members. I hear people say all the time, "I only worry because I c
Savor Your Season, Part 4
What I love about this passage in Ecclesiastes 3 is that he walks us through every season and not all of those seasons were beautiful.
Savor Your Season, Part 3
Do you find yourself in a season you don’t like?
Savor Your Season, Part 2
Perhaps you are facing a season that is uncomfortable for you. Has anyone ever been there?
Savor Your Season, Part 1
Each season’s outcome is dependent upon our reaction to it, how we feed it, how we cultivate it, and what we do with its “harvest”.
December Blog Series
While New Year's resolve can bring about healthy challenge, it can often leave us feeling guilt-ridden, frustrated, and regretful about