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Let's Grow | the blog

Aug 21, 20212 min read
It's time to Connect.
Greater connection is often found on the other side of simple invitation. Sometimes we just mean too well.

Bridgette Tomlin
Jul 5, 20212 min read
Those Lazy Days of...
Most people affectionately refer to this beloved season each year as "the lazy days of summer".

Racheal Elrod-Edwards
May 26, 20215 min read
The Anxiety Assessment
Anxiety is a real experience within the body; it has more than a mental and emotional presence.

Betty Calabrese
Apr 28, 20213 min read
Blooming from Sorrow
Recently I shared on Sanctuary's podcast about the sudden death of my husband, joe, on March 15, 1981, and the healing of my broken heart...

Richelle Wingo
Apr 14, 202110 min read
Life Hacks with Richelle
I am always looking for ways to simplify and make my life just a little bit easier.

Samalee Allen
Mar 10, 20214 min read
Peace, Ice Cream, and Togetherness
I wanted out. I wanted us to be a regular couple who attend church, together, on the weekends and some Wednesdays.

Bridgette Tomlin
Feb 28, 20211 min read
Happy Birthday, Sanctuary!
Six years ago we hosted our very first Let’s Retreat with a few dozen unsuspecting guests who literally had no idea what they were attending

Casey Gibbons
Feb 24, 20214 min read
My Secret Weapon for Successful Suffering
While we have seen tremendous victories in ministry, we have also experienced years of suffering through diagnosis after diagnosis.

Lindsay Dryer
Feb 10, 20214 min read
The Word for Everyday
Whether it is mundane or high pressure, whether you’re stuck inside all day or playing chauffeur, we all need the truth of God’s Word...

Crystal Williams
Jan 27, 20216 min read
Take Off the Mask
Vulnerability is a common theme throughout the Bible. In fact, over and over throughout scriptures, we find some type of vulnerability as...

Sheila Harper
Nov 18, 20205 min read
Tackling the Top Three
TOP THREE CAUSES OF BURNOUT…OR AT LEAST THEY WERE MY TOP THREE! My husband and I managed to pull off a three-week sabbatical where we...

Sheila Harper
Nov 11, 20205 min read
Snagging the Pass-Through
There's a dark recess of your mind that is the end of you. Burnout takes you to a tired that sleep won't fix.

Sheila Harper
Nov 4, 20206 min read
Bye, Bye Burnout
As I stood by her bed, I felt an old friend surface. Why in the world would I feel...jealous?

Natalie Morris
Oct 28, 20204 min read
We are The Preachers.
Ministry isn’t just our occupation or something we just do. Ministry is who we are.

Pam King
Oct 14, 20204 min read
Modeling a Love for Ministry
I knew that, if I wanted children that loved the ministry, I had to exemplify a positive attitude about the ministry.

Casey Graves
Sep 23, 20205 min read
Purposeful Detours & Delays
Stepping out and saying 'yes' to God is hard. If it was easy, everyone would be fulfilling their purpose for God and there would be

Sep 1, 20201 min read
Let's Talk...TOMORROW!
Let's Talk with Sanctuary, Sanctuary's BRAND NEW PODCAST for women in ministry, launches TOMORROW, September 2, 2020! We can't wait to...

Aug 14, 20201 min read
Let's Talk.
Sanctuary is launching a brand new PODCAST for women in ministry just ahead on Wednesday, September 2, 2020!

Dorcas Schroeder
Jul 29, 20205 min read
The Practics of Simple Pleasures
God intended our lives to be shared with others. The simple act of eating together represents something much bigger. The table was the first

Dorcas Schroeder
Jul 22, 20205 min read
What's In Your Hands?
Ministry happens when you use what you have in your hands. Practicing hospitality is an ongoing process. Special encounters await. Going bey
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