Those Lazy Days of...
Most people affectionately refer to this beloved season each year as "the lazy days of summer".
The Anxiety Assessment
Anxiety is a real experience within the body; it has more than a mental and emotional presence.
Blooming from Sorrow
Recently I shared on Sanctuary's podcast about the sudden death of my husband, joe, on March 15, 1981, and the healing of my broken heart...
Life Hacks with Richelle
I am always looking for ways to simplify and make my life just a little bit easier.
Peace, Ice Cream, and Togetherness
I wanted out. I wanted us to be a regular couple who attend church, together, on the weekends and some Wednesdays.
Take Off the Mask
Vulnerability is a common theme throughout the Bible. In fact, over and over throughout scriptures, we find some type of vulnerability as...