Beware of Blah
Why are we as women so content to push people away and settle for a life that is okay or good when God has designed a life for us that can b
Let's Talk.
Sanctuary is launching a brand new PODCAST for women in ministry just ahead on Wednesday, September 2, 2020!
What's In Your Hands?
Ministry happens when you use what you have in your hands. Practicing hospitality is an ongoing process. Special encounters await. Going bey
Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
Can we minister to our neighbors during a pandemic? Absolutely, yes! In a world where gathering is discouraged and fear prevents neighboring
A Ministry Wife Mantra
I'll take one for the team and say the thing that most ministry wives wouldn't dare say out loud:
I don't want to go back to th
Creating Conversation: Talking to Kids About Crisis
It is often hard for us to know what to say because it is very possible that we are trying to sort out our own feelings regarding what is go
Crisis + Competition
If we aren't careful, though, the western Church will tragically miss an opportunity to put out a clarion call that loudly blasts, "
Surrender to Surgery
The Surgeon wasn't necessarily trying to remove things from me. He was actually attempting to give life to something deep within my spir
Soul Surgery
Things took a turn for the worst, or rather a turn toward the emergency room. Long story short, I may have traveled to Missouri with a gallb
Scary New Things
I have learned there is no shame in sharing your story of weakness when it points to God’s strength lifting you up out of the pit, and comin