What's a Sabbath?
As Christians, we hold the Ten Commandments as precious to us. Many of us can recite these life-giving boundaries or, if we think about them
Too Tired to Rebound
If you’re doing ministry right, you are pouring your heart and soul into other people. You are being real and vulnerable. But, there’s a dow
Overcoming Disappointment
Our character is not tested in the great spectacular successes of life. Our character is tested in the daily irritations.
Finding Beauty in Broken Places
I’ve been in ministry alongside my husband for 10 years now and I’ve learned a thing or two about hurt. Today, I specifically want to share
On the Rebound
How do you rebound when the hurts of ministry knock you back a few paces? Let's talk.
An Invitation.
We’ve all been there. We’ve all come face to face with this question and some of us can easily and truthfully answer with one of the above c
Book Review | Freedom!
I recommend this book for any woman, but especially for someone who might be in a season of pain or disappointment. This book could definite
Book Review | Turnaround God
We were in our first senior pastorate position and in the midst of learning the good, the bad, and ugly of all that is involved in leading a
Assuming the Best
I can visualize just where I was sitting in the dimly lit bedroom of our rent house, 16 years ago, where we housed our ministry's home...
Confessions of a Church Rebel
A grown woman made eight-years-old again…kindly tolerated but not belonging. If Jesus was so great, why were His people so hard to please?