Snagging the Pass-Through
There's a dark recess of your mind that is the end of you. Burnout takes you to a tired that sleep won't fix.
Bye, Bye Burnout
As I stood by her bed, I felt an old friend surface. Why in the world would I feel...jealous?
What's a Sabbath?
As Christians, we hold the Ten Commandments as precious to us. Many of us can recite these life-giving boundaries or, if we think about them
One Thing
While numerous lifestyles contribute to a flurried, frenetic pace of constant activity, a heart in ministry can easily become "distract
Bidding Farewell to the Fat Smoker
...we often know what we SHOULD be doing in our lives and WHY we should do it,...(but that) does not make it easy.
The Never-Ending List
Life gets really full and really busy, and sometimes it feels like you can’t add one more thing. But today, I challenge you to add more thin
Rest! You have my permission!
My two favorite places in the world to travel to are Ukraine and Israel. These are the two places that God has called us to the most,...
Let's Rest Awhile
"The apostles returned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told him all they had done and taught. 31 Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by...