Cultivating Character: Thriving in Crisis we learn ways to help our families survive in the midst of trials, we also have the responsibility of teaching our children how to thr
A Snapshot of Faith
It's truly amazing how, when in a season of 'mountain-top ministry', you can vaguely recall the devastating experiences of '
Overcoming Disappointment
Our character is not tested in the great spectacular successes of life. Our character is tested in the daily irritations.
Finding Beauty in Broken Places
I’ve been in ministry alongside my husband for 10 years now and I’ve learned a thing or two about hurt. Today, I specifically want to share
Pressing On
I wanted to end this series by sharing several practices that I believe will be helpful to you in pressing on in your day-to-day journey of
Therapy: A View from the Couch
Therapy...that’s an intimidating word. The definition of therapy is "treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder". Disorder…t