"That time spent out of my comfort zone began the birth of fresh life in the broken places of my heart."--Sanctuary Retreat Guest
As we approach the fall and see the shift of lifestyle from summer to school, I can only look with great anticipation just a few months down the road to our second Sanctuary retreat in November. As I pulled away from Post Oak Lodge last February through the blustery blanket of snow that had invaded our retreat, I felt only peace. God and I had a few moments on my drive home where my heart poured out gratitude for His allowing me to be a part of what had just taken place.
Have you ever asked God to do something in such a specific way that you almost feel like you're taking advantage of His goodness?
That retreat was most certainly one of the biggest things I've ever asked God to do...for me. And yet it wasn't for me. It was for the precious women He had placed upon my heart. The Father had given me a gift by giving me a vision. And then He fulfilled it in every detail. As a details girl, I can tell you, I was overwhelmed by the lengths He went to in meeting my requests. Big dreams? Absolutely! Big God? Oh my goodness, YES!

Sanctuary isn't about the big conference. We aren't looking for mass attendance. Our primary goal is defined by our name: to create a sanctuary. A quiet place. A respite. A true getaway. Hear from the hearts of our most recent retreat guests.
"I needed a break and a breath of fresh air and Sanctuary more than met my needs. The attention to detail on every level made me feel so spoiled. Every worship experience, sharing session, and all the teaching times were very well thought out and intentional. I'm thankful that I had the blessing of attending!"
"(Sanctuary) is a great opportunity to meet other ladies that are in the same walk of life as you are. You can find your own people to pray with you, connect with long-term and understand you!"
"I attended (a Sanctuary retreat) on the heels of a 1 1/2 year difficult & broken season in my life. We were each asked to introduce ourselves & give a word that would be our word for that year. I remember the Lord impressing the word "Life" on my heart & mind. I had merely survived to that point. That time spent out of my comfort zone--with several other ministry wives I didn't know--began the birth of fresh life in the broken places of my heart. I was stretched, challenged & loved. I will not forget my time at Sanctuary."
To learn more about Sanctuary Retreats, click here. Looking for more reviews? Find them at Retreat Review. There's a community of ministry wives awaiting you via Facebook!