I wanted everyone to only view my life through rose colored glasses... I was perfect, my husband was perfect, my kids were angels, church was a well-oiled machine, we have no problems!
I'll confess: it has taken a number of years for me to be willing to wave the white flag of surrender and admit that two are better than one. Naturally, I enjoy the company of others and would like to think that, if I ever needed anything needed anything, I would have friends rush to my aid.
That is, if they ever knew I needed something.
I think one of the casualties we incur in ministry is the tendency to never mention, much less acknowledge, our own needs. The people we serve consider us to be the resource through which many of their needs can be met. But who facilitates the needs of the minister? Just last week we got word that a fellow evangelist landed in the hospital with a serious case of pneumonia. Had it not been for Facebook, which she forced herself to use to request prayer, we might would not have known she was in a hospital a few miles from our home. The woman accustomed to praying the prayer of faith for others was in need of some fresh faith on her behalf!
She spoke up when in physical need of a miracle. But how do we go about voicing our need of emotional or spiritual trauma? Or just a request for connection? It isn't generally a great idea to broadcast the pastor's family drama online, right? But how can we avoid ministerial, marital, and parental sabotage without joining the social media parade?

This is one of the many reasons why Sanctuary exists. With a private Facebook group, Sanctuary team on the ready for your phone call or email, and ultimately, an amazingly serene retreat within your reach, Sanctuary desires to set you free to have your needs met. And through your vulnerability, someone else will be encouraged. Listen to what a fellow ministry wife shared about her experience with Sanctuary:
"You CANNOT do it alone...this life of a (ministry) wife! For many years I fought a hidden battle of pride. (And quite frankly, it's still a struggle. I have decades of walls built up that the Lord is still breaking through with His love and truth.) I wanted everyone to only view my life through rose colored glasses...I was perfect, my husband was perfect, my kids were angels, church was a well-oiled machine, we have no problems!!
Dear sisters, we cannot live this way. You need me! And I need you!
I truly believe Sanctuary is a gift to us from the very heart of God. A place of safety, communion, support, and rest for His daughters who are living the life of (ministry) wife.'"
It's okay. I know you aren't accustomed to sharing your needs. It'll take some getting used to. But we will be here when you are ready. Let's redefine Sanctuary.