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October Blog Series


Join us, beginning next Monday, October 3, as we launch our series for October, The PK Perspective. The series will feature bloggers who were raised in ministers' homes...and lived to tell about it! They'll share their personal experiences--both good and bad--as well as insight 'from the inside'. They'll answer questions such as:

  1. What were the benefits of being raised in the ministry?

  2. What were the downsides of the PK life?

  3. What strategies did my parents use to raise me in a way that didn't leave me hating God, the ministry, and God's people?

  4. Now that I'm in the ministry and raising my own children, how can I raise 21st century PKs who will love God and His work?

You won't want to miss this insightful series, just ahead here at Sanctuary in October!

Anybody like surprises?

We've got a good one for YOU! Each time you log-in and comment on this month's blog posts in our series, The PK Perspective: Tales from the Front Pew, you'll be entered to win this fabulous prize, mailed right to your front door from Surprise Gift Co!

To begin the October PK Series, click >>here<<

© 2025 by Sanctuary | Ministry for Ministry Wives

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