If There’s One Thing I’ve Learned…
Never burn a bridge. You just might need to cross back over it or you might need the help of that bridge to transport you to where you need to go. It might be the only bridge connected to your destiny. According to Webster’s Dictionary a bridge is simply a means of connection or transition. It is a passage that links two sections.
Bridges are people, they are relationships. You know the saying, “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” Relationships, friendships, connections are people you meet, get to know and establish a rapport with. Everything we do in ministry is connected to people. Some people that we meet we have an instant connection with. Others might take a little more time. I have some friendships that, the longer I know them, the more I appreciate their personality, abilities, opinion and even their quirkiness.

A bridge is simply a means of connection or transition.
Sometimes our relationships can hit a bumpy spot in the road. It might even be a crater that seems to swallow you up in either a hurt or an offense. It might be something as simple as a difference of opinion. In these times, I try to remember that we are all entitled to our own opinions and my opinion isn’t the only one that matters.
My husband Jim and I had a couple that God brought into our lives several years ago. However, there were just a few instances where we didn’t agree and see eye-to-eye. It could have ruined our friendship and Jim and I could have walked away and just said, “Forget it!” However, we decided that the relationship we shared with them was more important than being “right”. We decided not to burn that bridge. That bridge has carried us through many a tear, carried us through rough decisions and celebrated with us in joys and victories. We’ve been friends now for decades.
God places people in my life for a reason.
I have come to realize that there are some relationships that God places in my life just for a season. When that season comes to an end, don’t burn the bridge because God might bring that person back around in a later season of your life.

I cherish all the bridges/relation-ships that God has brought into my life. Each one is unique and adds so much value to my life. Of course, there are some that irritate me at times and annoy me at other times. I always try to remind myself that God placed them in my life for a reason.
Here are four things that will keep you from being a bridge burner:
Always think the best of everyone.
Relationships are more important than opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it doesn’t have to agree with yours.
If you are right and you know they are wrong, but it’s not a matter of life or death, just shut up! You know you are right so what difference does it make? Just let them think they are right.
Do not let a person’s opinion of another person dictate what your opinion of them is going to be.
See you on the other end of the bridge!
The Bridge That Connects is Part 3 of our January 2018 series, If There's One Thing I've Learned, from the Sanctuary leadership team. Stop back by next Monday for Part 4.
Pam King is a lover of God, her husband, her children, her grandchildren, and her life's work in ministry. Alongside her husband, Jim, Pam has been in full-time ministry for more than 38 years, with 28 years spent in missionary evangelism to Ukraine and Israel. Pam's "no-nonsense" approach to life and ministry has made her a viable resource in teaching and speaking on a myriad of subjects, including a personal favorite of "Marriage and Family". The Kings are the founders of Awaking Hope and most recently added the task of lead pastors to their ministry plate as they currently pastor Victory in Austin, TX.