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Martha Fouts

This week we continue with WEEK THREE of our Sanctuary Summer Book Club. Today we feature a review from Sanctuary team member, Martha Fouts. Remember: a drawing will be held at the close of the week from those who have read the review and comment below the post. We will be giving away a copy of this week's featured book!

Welcome to the Club!


“It is possible to live a life of deep joy while not having everything you want.”

“Many of us attempt to heal the wounds of the past by overfilling our already-full homes.”

“My identity does not depend on what I buy. My identity rests in Who bought me.”

“Generosity is at the core of the satisfied life.”

The above quotes are a few of the ones I underlined as I read Satisfied by Jeff Manion. This book reminded me to be more grateful for what I have and that comparison is the thief of joy. It encouraged me to be a blessing to others and to give freely. Everyone who knows me knows that I’m a fiction book reader. I am a read-for-pleasure-not-for-growth type of person, but this book actually held my attention; more than that, I loved it.

I’ll be honest: this book was deeply convicting to me. Like most middle-class Americans, I am guilty of always wanting more – a better car, the latest fashions, a better vacation this year than last year – and I often forget how truly rich I am. In Satisfied, Manion focuses on dissatisfaction in finances, but I found myself thinking of other areas in which I have unhealthy dissatisfaction. As I read the book, I was convicted for dissatisfaction with my physical appearance. The Lord reminded me, just like I need to be content with my finances, I should be content with my looks, as well.

I’m considering using this book for a small group study. It’s easy to read, and the chapters are short with reflection/discussion questions and a project with actionable steps to take at the end.

What do you know? Martha actually liked a nonfiction book!

To purchase your own copy of Jeff Manion's Satisfied, click here.


This is ENTRY THREE in our July blog series, Sanctuary Summer Book Club. Each week we will feature reviews of some of our favorite reads and be giving away a copy of the featured book(s) for those who read AND comment below the entry. Want a copy of Jeff Manion's Satisfied? Post a comment below and you'll be entered to win at the close of the week!


Martha Fouts and her husband, Kevin, of 23 years have three boys, ages 17, 16 and 14. Her primary passion in ministry at Discovery Church (Yukon, OK), where the couple are lead pastors, is to serve wherever she is needed, from women's ministry to hospitality. But her personal passion is to write. With four books to her credit, as well as a blog, Martha has a wide variety of offerings for the female reader. When she manages to find free time between her taxi services to three active boys, Martha loves to go shopping or snuggle up with a good book. Looking for a new book to read? Find her works at Amazon or your favorite e-book retailer.

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