This week we continue with WEEK FOUR of our Sanctuary Summer Book Club. Today we feature a review from a blogger and writer in her own rite, Jennifer Watson (who is finalizing her new book, due from the publisher in 2019), highlighting this soul-deep book by her good friend, Suzanne Eller, a Proverbs 31 Ministries writer. Remember: a drawing will be held at the close of the week from those who have read the review and comment below the post. We will be giving away a copy of this week's featured book!
Welcome to the Club!
We live in a very distracted world with so many things vying for our time. I often feel like a slave to my schedule and To-Do list which causes my anxiety to be in hyper-drive sometimes. My fear creates borders, but the Holy Spirit removes each roadblock and ushers in peace that quiets distractions and concerns. Opening the pages of The Spirit-Led Heart: Living a Life of Love and Faith Without Borders, written by my friend Suzanne Eller, is an invitation to slow down and hear the heartbeat of the Holy Spirit. Our hearts are messy at times, but what if we could invite the Holy Spirit to lead our hearts and release our death-grip on control? I believe this is our ultimate goal, to live a life in step with the Holy Spirit. I have watched my friend live this message and invite the Holy Spirit to take center-stage in her life.

There is an empowerment that happens to us when we grasp what a Spirit-led heart looks like. Suzanne walks with readers through what it means to pursue the Spirit-led life and invite the Holy Spirit into every corner of our hearts. A Spirit-led heart is empowered by God and looks to the truth found in God’s Word instead of the lies we often believe. I love that this book confronts those lies and is bathed in the Word to correct those lies.
When we feel prone to wander, or all over the map in our emotions, we can have the assurance that the Holy Spirit will direct us. We go from being uncertain to steadfast in our faith as we seek the Holy Spirit.
This isn’t a book; it’s a journey and an invitation to go deeper in your relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Each chapter ends with a Scripture, Your Spirit-Led Promise, and a prayer. At the back of the book is a study guide that is top-notch for personal growth and would be fantastic as a group study. If you haven’t read this book yet, add it to your list.
To purchase your own copy of The Spirit-Led Heart, click here.
A Spirit-Led Heart Manifesto
A woman with a Spirit-led heart
…trusts that God can use her, even when her knees knock
…believes that when she speaks to God, He hears
…reaches for truth as a weapon and isn’t afraid to use it
…tells her story, for she has walked with Jesus
…is not lost in the valleys or on the mountaintops
…fights for others, because Jesus fought for her first
…isn’t a know-it-all, though she longs to know all there is to know
…doesn’t have time to be distracted by drama with no eternal value
…believes that God loves her, and freely loves him back.

This is ENTRY FOUR in our July blog series, Sanctuary Summer Book Club. Each week we will feature reviews of some of our favorite reads and be giving away a copy of the featured book(s) for those who read AND comment below the entry. Want a copy of Suzanne Eller's The Spirit-Led Heart? Post a comment below and you'll be entered to win at the close of the week!
Jennifer Watson is a self-professed girly-girl who is convinced that coloring your hair is addictive. With an undying affection for refined sugar and red lipstick, she is a mother of two miracle babies and an out-of-the-box minister’s wife. "Sometimes I’m a total wreck and over-share, but I’ve learned how to unpack my emotional baggage in the spotlight of leadership." Her ministry to broken girls took on a different shape when, in a place of leadership, Jennifer stopped hiding her own brokenness and decided to be brave and see what God wanted to do with it. Jennifer and her husband, Jonathan, pastor in Bella Vista, AR. Follow her at