In a day where every space on the calendar is filled with something--sometimes multiple "somethings" to accommodate each member of the family, it's easy to dismiss the items that actually add value to our lives. There's plenty of good things on the schedule, but are they the best things for this current season?

As ministry wives, we may continually feel like we are stretched beyond the limits of our own sanity at times. And it is because of this stretching that we place our own needs farther down the list. But what would happen if you put one thing, every three or four months, on the calendar that was just for you? Just a few hours that you intentionally set aside to connect with someone with fresh perspective but similar pressures, joys, highs, and lows? Furthermore, what would your personal schedule look like if you asked the Holy Spirit what He wants you to do in self-care?
But what would happen if you put one thing every three or four months on the calendar that was just for you?

Let's Connect events are the perfect opportunity to take your great intentions to great connections! These casual dinner gatherings are being hosted by ministry wives across the nation. By their definition, they are simply made up of dinner, laughter, conversation, and authentic connection. Here's what one of our veteran Let's Connect hosts had to say about the nature of her quarterly event:
"I've been surprised at times with the turnout, either by more or less than I expected but have found ministry wife friends here that I may not have connected with if I had not reached out. I always have each one tell the funniest thing that has ever happened to them in ministry. Believe me, ministry, people and praying for people can be quite hilarious. LOL ...I would encourage you to take your staff wives or even one friend that will listen to your heart, let you vent, and perhaps promise to pray for you."--Let's Connect host
Stop by our site today to check out the events coming up just ahead in November.

Don't see one near you? Consider hosting in your area for our final events of the year. LC Hosts select the date and location that works best for them, our LC Coordinator Richelle Wingo guides the hosts through the simple process of adding guests to the Facebook event we provide via our Sanctuary group, and then connects them to other hosts for support and encouragement. It's THAT EASY!
Let's redefine Sanctuary.