Imagine we’re sitting in a coffee shop. You and I. I’m having an iced vanilla latte. What are you having? I love coffee dates with friends. There’s something about sitting around a small, intimate table with a delicious drink in hand that encourages us to be a little more vulnerable, a little more authentic, a little more willing to share what’s really on our hearts.
I imagine that if I asked you to tell me about all the plates you’re currently trying to keep spinning, we’d probably need another round of coffee. Raising little kids, leading a Bible study, making hospital visits, keeping up with the never-ending piles of laundry, your day job, your kids’ dance and t-ball practices, your devotional life, that church event you’re planning…doesn’t it seem like the list never ends? And we haven’t even begun to talk about the God-dreams that are in your own heart. Those dreams you’d be chasing with all your might if you didn’t have 27 other plates to keep spinning.
...doesn’t it seem like the list never ends?
Life gets really full and really busy, and sometimes it feels like you can’t add one more thing. But today, I challenge you to add more thing. Now, hold on, my friend. Before you grab your coffee, call me crazy, and head out the door, hear me out. I’m not inviting you to another party or asking you to go buy another Bible study book. I’m not nominating you to head up another ministry or signing your kids up for another sport.
Here’s what I’m challenging you to add…s p a c e.
In the midst of all of life’s demands, we need space!

Space to breathe. Space to rest. Space that is protected and reserved for abiding in our Savior. That might look different for each of us, and it might even look different for you on a daily basis. Some days it looks like waking up early to spend time in the Bible, and other days it looks like putting the phone down for five minutes to talk to Jesus about your day or thank Him for the blessings all around you. We always need space for spending time in God’s presence, allowing Him to fill up our cup so we can pour out.
Create space in your day-to-day life for this—it will be the most valuable part of your days.
We also need space for rest, for slowing down, for dreaming, for refueling. I know sometimes that seems impossible. There are factors in our lives that we may not be able to control or change in the current season (a full-time job, lots of little kids, a busy season in the church, etc.), which allow less time for space. But we can be intentional about adjusting our lives to still create margin around those responsibilities. I’m in that boat, and I take advantage of all the moments! Doing devotions after the kids go to bed, listening to podcasts while I drive to work or fold the laundry, and simply trying to the take the pressure off myself to get it all done! These are simple ways you can create space in your day.
Never feel guilty or selfish for allowing yourself a moment, an hour, an evening of space, of time to abide. The truth is that it’s necessary. It’s crucial. Sister, you have a big job to do. When God called you to this life you lead, He never promised it would be easy. But here is what He did promise, a promise straight from His word:
“I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Creating Time to Abide is Entry Four in our October blog series at Sanctuary, Rest Up. We are looking to hear from you! If you haven't been taking the Sabbath commandment seriously lately, can you name one of the negative side effects you're experiencing? Or perhaps you're experimenting with Sabbath rest and how to do it effectively. What's working for you right now? Let's talk.
Lindsay Dryer and her husband, Josh, have been married for eight years and involved in full-time ministry for eight years, as well. They currently serve as Associate Pastors in Fairbanks, AK. The couple has three kids: Nora (4), Zeke (3), and Halle (6 mos). Lindsay has a passion for the family, specifically moms and kids. With nearly 12 years in children's ministry, Lindsay and Josh are passionate about seeing kids experience the love of Jesus and to be empowered by the Holy Spirit. "After I became a mother, I realized just how much we mamas need Jesus and each other! It really spurred a passion in my heart to minister to moms. When parents have a thriving relationship with Jesus, and their kids have a thriving relationship with Him, too, there's nothing that can stop them from changing the world!" In her free time, Lindsay mostly loves to spend time with her precious babies and husband. She also enjoys writing, reading, and working on her podcast, Let's Be Real.