When I picture ministry, I picture my husband changing the world from the pulpit by preaching a message for parents.
But picture me sitting in the driveway trying to take a walk before church while listening to my four-year-old scream at the top of his lungs because I left without him. (So sorry to the nice young couple pulling their two sweet babies in a wagon right in front of my house when I came out of the garage while it sounded like I just tortured a child in the background.)
Now imagine that my car is out in front of the church as I was late because I had to spend 15 minutes talking my eight-year-old through what it means to speak the truth and how it’s okay to be wrong and learn. I also had to walk my teen through the fact that she does not need to tell me every parenting mistake that I am making just because I don’t correct younger sibling within the first second of them making a mistake.

So all of that to say, if you are a MINISTRY MAMA and you feel that your husband has upfront leadership and a divine calling, but you are left sitting on the curb listening to children screaming or waiting for a child to stop talking back so you can teach them a lesson or trying to explain to your teenager why they don’t know everything...take heart.
Somebody has to raise the children and you are the person for it. I’m not saying that women cannot lead in ministry because I do that, too, but primarily my husband is the one upfront. All the while, there are 1 million details going on on the home front. But OUR CALLING IS DIVINE TOO.
I’m sharing this post because I have experienced the stability and strength behind embracing this truth for many years of parenting as the Lord has given me deep peace.
Here are three thoughts that came to mind this morning as I slipped into the back of the auditorium during the middle of worship:
1. THE LORD IS THERE. God is just as present with me in those moments as he is with my husband. I am simply being obedient to the need of that exact time with children just as he is being obedient to preach.
God is with you. He made your child, He chose you to be the mother, and He needs you to do what you are doing. The Lord creates people then chooses us to be the leader that raises the people that He created. God is not simply at the church; He is there with you and the children, no matter where you are.
2. THE LORD WILL HELP YOU. You can trust that the Lord will be faithful to you just as He is faithful in any other capacity of leadership you do. He is very aware of what your child is doing and what you need through the power of the Holy Spirit to lead in that moment.
Just as our spouses have to pray and work hard to lead at church, so do we as mothers. The Lord loves your family and builds His church through people and people are raised in the families. Your parenting is extremely important to the future of the Church at large.
3. THE LORD HAS CALLED YOU TO THIS. Although you may have had a divine encounter with God to become a ministry leader, you may not recall an instance in which you felt that God had called you to parenting. I certainly didn’t until I was desperate and on my face before the Lord with my Bible open as I cried out for His help. He answered me and spoke to me about my work as a mother. Parenting is a divine calling.
Parenting is a divine calling.
I am reminded often of this verse: “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” John 15:16
God will answer you as you follow the call He has on your life to be a mother. You are called by Him. He did not accidentally create a child in you or for you. God knew exactly what He was doing and He is specifically calling you to do what you were doing.
TAKE HEART and keep leading your family in the midst of leading in ministry. It’s all working together for the glory of God. It may look different as women at times but whether you are leading upfront or leading your children, it all matters. You are valued greatly in God's sight. Keep living out your divine calling as a mother.

The Divine Calling of Ministry Mamas is Entry Two of Sanctuary's blog series, Parenting from the Front Pew. What struggles have you encountered in raising children with the challenges that ministry can bring to the preacher's family?
Casey Gibbons has a passion to lead girls of all ages to God through the local church and in the family setting. She believes in living a simple and fun life by the power of the Holy Spirit for a supernatural and eternal impact.
Casey and her husband Scotty have been married for nineteen years, are the parents of six children ages 5-17, and have served in full-time pastoral ministry for over 20 years. She is the author of several books and articles and served as Teen Specialist for National Girls Ministries. In her free time, Casey enjoys mentoring young women and sharing every-day life through writing.
She welcomes you to stay in touch through social media or her blog, Realife Casey.