Ministry happens when you use what you have in your hands. Practicing hospitality is an ongoing process. Special encounters await. Going beyond kindness to boldness in order to present Jesus is powerful and rewarding. Ministry happens.
An inviting space is a wonderful beginning. Creating a cozy space says "Welcome". To some of you, hospitality comes easy and for some it's challenging. We're all starting somewhere. Slowing down and creating beauty for your guests/friends fosters meaningful moments and nurtures the beauty of the soul. Let's stop - Let's sit - Let's be still. Allow serenity to interrupt. Let grace fill your heart and home as it becomes a sacred space - a Sanctuary as you honor others. Jesus demonstrated stillness as He leaned into His Father's heart. Be still and know. Christ-likeness fosters calmness. We sit. We rest. We take moments with Him. His presence is welcomed.
You and I have the privilege and high calling of being servants of Christ to reach out to others in word and deed; to help, encourage and bless. Look around and ask God to give you eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart willing to reach out to others. Watch people and God will prompt you who to invite for …
Girl's night at home/out (dinner & a movie!)
Zoom time (If you can't get together in person, have coffee in hand and plan a time to connect with your friends or time with one.)
Game Night
Come As You Are Night, (casual, comfortable, sharing heart to heart.)
Spa Treatment - The Esther Experience. (I have a spa box for up to 10 ladies--a mani/pedi kit for time with the girlfriends, little girls, or just one-on-one. It's a special time for pampering and refreshing. Everyone could bring their own nail polish and you provide the rest. Things in my box are: white inexpensive washcloths + towels, individual mirrors, eye masks, soaps, fingernail files, lotions, small white or light green bowls for water. Have light instrumental music playing. One of my favorites is by Terri Geisel - Soaking in His Presence, which features instrumental worship and praise music. It's on my Spotify list.)
Take time to learn and enjoy friends and create wonderful friendships. Remind people of their worth. Affirm they are special and their unique parts play in the Kingdom of God. One small act could mean the world to them. Moments like these make people feel safe and it becomes a sacred space. Blessing others reminds them how much they are valued and worthy of celebrating "any day of the year"!
Mother Teresa said, "The greatest good is what we do for one another."
God is not limited by what you have or don't have, or your talents. He is only limited by what and how you believe and respond. He does creative things when we place it in His hands. Please don't allow fear or intimidation hold you back from the adventures and ministry of hospitality. Don't be robbed of blessing others. Use what you have in your hands. I've practiced that over the years. It's exciting to see what God does as I move forward in obedience to touch lives.

Let me give you an example of using what's in your hands. My friend and I had lunch planned at a restaurant. A couple of days before we were to meet for lunch, the Holy Spirit began to nudge me to have her over to my home. My schedule had been busy and therefore I thought it would be easier to do lunch at a restaurant. Well, God had other plans that were far greater. The Lord said, "Dorcas, use what you have in your hand." He quickly brought to mind what I had in my fridge. I had mixed salad greens, veggies, an uncut steak-grilled the night before, pound cake from the bakery at Wal-Mart.
I texted my friend to see about moving it to my house. We agreed and lunch was set. Truly I used what I had in my hand and God did something amazing. No fresh flowers, but red silk roses, battery-operated candles, and lovely music playing. I sliced the steak to place on top of the salad.
The morning of our lunch the Lord placed on my heart to have communion and to wash her feet. Yes! I know some of you might be beside yourself about that last statement. Jesus broke bread and washed His disciples' feet. Personal ministry. I placed my best white towel in a white bowl. I had a small grape juice for my grands that hadn't been opened and oyster crackers. Placing the communion on a small silver platter that I had from the dollar store. I prayed over everything as I prepared for our time together. It was as if I was preparing for Jesus. I created a sacred space--a Sanctuary--for my friend.
My friend arrived and we embraced, sat at the table, prayed and started lunch. Conversation began sweet and fun. Then she began to share something very heavy on her heart. Tears began as she shared unbelievable things that had happened to her family and I began to weep with her. Tears dropping to the table. I had NO clue the season she had been walking in. The valley of the shadow of death. She said "Dorcas, you heard from the Lord to have me in your home". Eating stopped as ministry began. We took communion together and I washed her feet as we both wept and Jesus' presence filled my home. It became a Sanctuary, an Upper Room Experience. Ministry was happening because I used what I had in my hands. The unexpected happened. God took the ordinary and the extraordinary happened. I was honored Jesus asked me to minister in this special way. I'll never forget that moment.
Be encouraged and reminded of how much freedom you have in Christ. Remember to go beyond kindness to boldness to share Jesus' love in hospitality.
Love and Blessings, Dorcas

What's In Your Hands is Entry THREE in Sanctuary's blog series for July, Simple Pleasures. Share a personal experience in the comments below about how someone may have extended ministry to you through the blessing of hospitality.
Dorcas Schroeder has been communicating God’s Word for 35-plus years with warmth and grace, inspiring others to pursue a more intimate relationship with Him. Her passion is to see herself and others embrace the joys of walking with Christ in every day experiences. Due to various circumstances in her family, Dorcas became caregiver to both her parents and her brother who suffered with A.I.D.S. Through heartache, disappointment, great losses, and life happenings, she has learned that her source of help came from through the Scriptures that leaped off the pages of the Bible to become a reality. Her ministry is designed specifically for women for Practical Living Every Day. Dorcas’ desire is to show women their true value and worth in God’s eyes and their potential to uniquely influence the world around them. Dorcas enjoys decorating, gardening, & designing electronic cards for hundreds of people throughout the year. Married to the man of her dreams, Karl, for 46 years, Dorcas absolutely loves her husband and two grown children, Karl Jr and Tabitha, their spouses, and six grandchildren. Dorcas and Karl attend & serve at The Bridge in Mustang, OK. Follow her on Instagram @Dorcas7