Happy 6th Birthday to Sanctuary!
Six years ago this weekend we hosted our very first Let’s Retreat in Tulsa, Oklahoma with a few dozen unsuspecting guests who literally had no idea what they were attending. As God was birthing Sanctuary in my heart through many hours of prayer, names and faces would come to my heart—many with whom I had no personal relationship! I can remember the “cold calls”, gently explaining what God had put on my heart to do and asking them to consider attending a weekend designed just for ministry wives.
They did not know who the other guests would be. They did not know where the retreat location was beyond just an address and a general idea of the setup and what to bring. They did not fully know that the Holy Spirit would meet us there and do exceedingly, abundantly, above all I had asked, thought, or imagined.
But He did. And they allowed Him to work in the interior spaces they had closed off to others. And as each guest let her guard down and connected with these otherwise strange faces all about them, they discovered—we discovered—there’s an immeasurable amount of power and healing that comes from bearing one another’s burdens and authentic connection.
They did not fully know that the Holy Spirit would meet us there and do exceedingly, abundantly, above all I had asked, thought, or imagined. But He did.
The retreat was where God birthed a fresh definition of Sanctuary for some of the most amazing people on the planet—ministry wives. And He continues to build on that today.
Let’s redefine Sanctuary.