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Trial & Error

Ministry to women is a mixed bag, and sometimes can be very difficult to lead. It can be really fun and fulfilling, and can also feel like herding cats or pulling teeth to get ladies to help or to even attend! With that said, I believe that women’s ministry right now is so important, and worth fighting for. Over the past couple of decades my husband and I have been in church ministry, I have seen women’s ministry done in many variations. So many churches...So many options. There are Bible studies, dinners, luncheons, retreats, game nights, small groups, and the list goes on. I’m a fan of all of it, for the simple reason of the valuable connection connection it provides.

In this time of the world we live in, connection is so desperately needed, yet so lost.

In this time of the world we live in, connection is so desperately need, yet so lost. Whether it's from being too busy, the recent disconnection with Covid, or just lack of interest, women are quick to sit women’s ministry out.

I have had many trial-and-error runs at seeing what works specifically at our church to get the most women to attend events. I will tell you, it is hard! It’s hard to get people to be involved, take time out to connect, and just simply come to women’s ministry events. And, the reason I want them to come is not for me, but it is to connect with other like-minded women—women who walk with God, and love His Word. Women who are tired, and struggle to have quiet time. Women who need encouragement to keep coming to church, to keep praying, and women who need someone to pray for them. Showing up to church and leaving quickly seems to be the norm these days — and so easily done. But while taking the time and effort to attend something extra with other ladies is usually out of many women’s comfort zones, or very difficult to fit into their schedules, it is well worth the opportunity to find a place to connect in your home church. It’s an avenue to find community. To find ladies you can text prayer requests to, or read God’s Word with, or actually call if you need someone.

So as ministry wives, let’s not get discouraged with low attendance, or low budgets, or lack of interest. Let’s keep doing those trial-and-error events to provide connections to ladies who desperately need one another. Sometimes it feels like an uphill battle, but this is a battle worth fighting. I have had to brainstorm with different ages of ladies, different groups of women to find creative ways to get ladies to connect. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes connections are made quickly, and sometimes it seems to take forever. But keep trying, because it's worth seeing women find their place and their people.

Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up.

Ecclesiastes 4:10 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.


Trial & Error is Entry One of June's microblog series on ministry to women entitled Serving Sisterhood. Come back each Wednesday to read from a new guest blogger about this crucial and timely topic.


Casey Graves is a wife, momma to two girls, and co-pastor/planter of Foundations Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She enjoys a good cup of coffee with a friend or a family date day when she finds some spare time. What draws her to Sanctuary is her desire to truly share her vulnerabilities and struggles to help others dealing with similar wounds and insecurities that come with ministry. Casey recently published her first book, Perfectly Weak, now available at Amazon or on the couple's ministry site. You can connect with Casey by email by clicking here.


© 2025 by Sanctuary | Ministry for Ministry Wives

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