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A New Year: Fresh Possibilities

In just about every conversation I have, a statement is generally made that sounds a little like this: "Can you believe we are already facing another new year? This year has flown by!" Sound familiar? The older I get, the easier such sentiments roll out of my own mouth. Time does seem to be speeding up. The days do clip by more quickly. And yet, in some ways, these past five years feel as though we've crammed ten years into them. So much change, some good and some bad; so much heartache and joy; so many decisions to be made for which we felt ill-equipped. But one thing has remained the same: we will have the same measure of hours, days, weeks, and months in 2025 as we had in 2024. The question remains, What will we do with the next series of 8,760 hours?

What will we do with the next series of 8,760 hours?

At Sanctuary, we already sense some shifting taking place. Over the past ten years of Sanctuary's existence, there's been a steady growth, a steady development, of support and connection opportunities we've been blessed to provide for women who are married and in ministry. We've seen exponential growth in our social media platforms, an increase in connection among ministry wives nationwide, and a trust fall for many who have been willing to take the risk and try vulnerability on for size in an otherwise challenging culture of ministry. But there's something yet to be developed this coming year for Sanctuary. And I just don't know what that is just yet. I'm seeking the Lord for clarity, but can't see the delivery date just yet. Have you been there?

As we look at 2025, ripe with fresh possibilities, it is my prayer that you will try something new this year. Take the risk. Interact with the post. Show up at a Let's Connect event near you. Reach out to the ministry wife who lives near you and invite her to coffee. Host the luncheon for the ministry wives in your community. Dive into the world of podcasts and add "Let's Talk with Sanctuary" to your lineup for listening. Mentor the younger women in ministry within your circle of influence. Register for the Let's Retreat even if it doesn't seem to be "your kind of thing".

How can you grow in connection and authenticity with other women you've silently or unwittingly competed with in 2025? How can you release the hurts of broken trust from years gone by and try again?

Friend, you can know that every single one of us have felt those hurts, pulled back our invites after feeling snubbed, hidden out because it's easier. Is it better? Not really. You don't need a host of true friends, but you do need someone. And we hope your "someone" will be found at Sanctuary.

From all of us at Sanctuary, Happy New Year. Happy New You. Happy Friendship. Happy Hoping. Happy Healing. Happier...You.

You're one of the reasons I get up each day. Can we get to know one another better this year? I sure hope so.

Let's redefine Sanctuary,

Bridgette Tomlin

Sanctuary, Founder


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